Artist: Silla & Rise
Cat#: BAL-53
Format: CD, Digital
Released October 15, 2021
Tulukkat is the plural of tulugaq “raven”. The symbolism of the raven is often complex and appears frequently in the stories of peoples around the world. As a mediator between life and death in both Celtic and Inuit traditions this song blends the Irish Bodhran drum played by Deirdre Dooley with the raven’s call throat song which was formed after many years of practice by Charlotte Qamaniq. The song is dedicated to Qamaniq’s father Marcel Mason who was of Irish descent, and adopted into the Qamaniq family of Iglulik, Nunavut.
Lyrics by Charlotte Qamaniq, written and performed by Charlotte Qamaniq, Charlotte Carleton, Rise Ashen and Deirdre Dooley